Nënshkruani këtu Peticionin kundër marrëveshjes me Greqinë :
With the genocides of the 20th century, state sovereignty and its corollary non-interference with internal state affairs began to see as an anachronistic shield for governmental abuses against its citizens.
The emergence of an expected democratic standard for governments, motivated among other things also by the need of observing human rights values, in this case are the rights of the Ethnic Territorial Heritage of Early to Late Medieval Sovereign Arberor-Arvanites Princes as Balsha, Botsari etc..., and Ethnic Arvanties Cham People, which are not taken in consideration nor transparenced during the ongoing agreement talks.
Differently from 1648, the sovereignity is conceived open and transparent. This imply states that may act not only by understanding, but also expect among them that they should comply with minimal democratic standards.
For more, the terrorrist religous provocations of the anti-christian nazist hellenic orthodoxes of vorio-epire, should reffere also to Westfalia, and recognize that within each territory every state may adopt whatever form of government it pleases without the interference of other states.
For more the hellenic nazist vorio-epirote orthodox church is an anti-christian institution which promotes the fallen entities of olympus and their fallen language, by not respecting the ancient biblical laws and feast of Hannukkah.
Also the internal sovereignity and constitutional laws in Albania obligate for :
A full transparency, cit. law 23, on the next coming territorial agreement between Greece and Albania. Albanian constitution, states clearly not only the obligation for juridical acts transparency but also for the obligated transparency of all state's institutions'activities, i.e. not only of specific agreements but also of all negotiations.
The obligation on international agreements transparency is dictated also by the UN carte, Vienne tractate, and also states traditional practice.
Albania and a lot of other states have suffered from hidden non-transparent agreements, relics of collonialization times.
Based on 123 Law of Albanian Constitution, we ask also that the ratification of this agreement, would be based on national refferendum as the best peace garanty between both countries'people.
We call also to the albanian opposition, to correct themselves, and to call urgently a parliamentary session on this issue.
We call to the General Prosecutor, to investigate every penal element for trahison towrd the Territorial Integrity and Republic of Albania.
We call to albanian and international media to investigate and aware the public opinion on this important major issue.
We call to all international interested people and friends, to help us in this critical phase of our state.