Nga : Edlira XhemoParis
01 Mars 2010
Natyrisht qe Gjermania nuk do ta ndihmoje Greqine, kjo nuk lidhet me asnje arsyeme shume se sa faktet ekonomiko-politike-historike per me teper qe historiatashme flet fuqishem kunder Greqise-vorio-epirote dhe te gjitha tentativave tesaj per te spekulluar mbi te drejten e pamohueshme çame.Pangallos "guxon" te shpertheje nje te ashtuquajtur "kuti pandore" ne nje koheqe te gjithe jemi te ndergjegjshem se politika aktuale shoviniste greke neshtebaze e "parimeve" te te ashtuquajturit "shtet grek" dhe ne baze te te cilave sote kesaj dite lulezojne "krenare" dy statuja te Zerves ne Greqi si "promemorje "e nje genocidi te pa-falshem, per te cilin te gjithe vellezerit tane çameortodokse dhe arvanitas ruajne kujtimet dhe te verteten brenda kater mureve teçdo shtepie ne "Greqi". Eshte pikerisht kjo politike shoviniste e lindurrishtazi me manipulimin e te vertetes historike te nje rrevolucioni teashtuquajtur "grek" e cila u kurdis ne skutat me te erreta te politikes boteroredhe te qarqeve ruajale europiane ne kurriz te Shqiperise.Eshte pikerisht kjo politike e cila guxon sot e kesaj dite te flase ende per"kuti Pandore" ne nje kohe qe te gjite ne shtetasit europiane sidomos neshtetasit europiane çame jemi te ndergjegjshem nga e verteta e pamohuarhistorike se ndermjet Gjermanise dhe "Greqise" nuk ka asnje "kuti Pandore".Perpara se Pangallos te akuzoje Gjermanine paqesore post L2B e cila ka pranuarboterisht fajin dhe politiken skicofrene te nazisteve Hitleriane te cilet bazati kishin ne familjen ruajale te "Greqise" se sotme, Lidhja çame i ben thirrje"politikaneve" greke qe te shohin me kujdes realitetin historik te tyre.Duke qene se edhe ne shkrimet e mia para-rendese e kam trajtuar çeshtjen ebashkepunimit e familjes ruajale te "Greqise" direkt me kampin naziste bilesduke qene edhe ne krye te tija, ne nje kohe qe kam sjelle edhe fakte historikene lidhje me te verteten e pamohueshme se ishin Forcat naziste ato qe i dhaneakses te lire pa limit Napoleon Zerves qe te hynte ne çameri per te nje kohe qe çameria e L2B ishte nje zone neutrale, dhe ku popullata u gjend epa-armatosur ne fund te L2B, forcat Zerviste me qender komande FamiljenMbreterore te "Greqise" e cila ishte edhe ne komandot kryesore te Rajhut III neBerlin,arriti te fitonte akses pa limit, ne befasi per popullaten vendase,pikerisht saje kesaj familjeje ruajale e cila u hapi rrugen per masakren eperboteshme dhe nje nga me te pergjakshmet ne historine e njerezimit ashtusikurse eshte edhe simboli i manuipulimit me makaber te historise boterore.Pra Pangallos nuk ka se ç'kuti pandore te hape pasi ajo eshte e qarte perPangallosin, keto sa po bertet Pangallosi aktualisht nuk jane gje tjeter veçsepellitje ne ere dhe genjeshtra te rradhes. "Kutia e Pandores" nuk janemashtrimet aktuale te Pangallosit por e verteta te cilen Pangallosi vazhdon tefshehe me meskinitet se : floririn dhe pasurine e çameve ne fund te L2B e vodhifamilja ruajale e "Greqise" e cila eshte edhe nje nder familjet princerore teGjermanise !Aktualisht pangallosi ben nje gabim trashanik duke shfaqur pa-aftesine e tijdiplomatike pasi ai po deshmon nje nivel te ulet te njohjes se historiseeuropiane de boterore por mbi te gjitha te historise "greke", pasi pasurine eçameve, Pangallosi duhet t'ia kerkoje familjes ruajale te "Greqise" dhe joGjermanise, e mbi te gjitha Pangallosi duhet te sqaroje per te gjithe opinioninpublik mbare-kombetar dhe nder-kombetar se ne fakt behet fjale per pasurite eçameve dhe arvaniteve dhe jo te ndonje pjese tjeter te "Greqise" pasi e gjithe"pjesa tjeter e Greqise" deri ne fund te L2B ishte nje vend i varfer dheaguridhe, qe nga "rrevolucioni grek", pra skush nuk kishte ç'te nxirrte medhjame nga ai plesht !Per kete shkruan edhe Robert Kapllan ne librin e tij mbi politiken prostitute teGreqise deri me tash, ku si gazetar korrespondent i BBC dhe Zerit te Amerikesgjate asaj kohe dhe gjate L1B ne kufirin greko-turk, ai shkruan se e gjithepjesa jugore e "Greqise" pra ajo qe ishte "Greqia" pa çamerine dhe arvanitinenuk ishte gje tjeter veçse gurre e djerr, me njerez te vobekte qe prej shekujsh.
"... With the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the Dowager Queen returned toRussia to found military hospitals. As noted below, three of her childrenmarried back into the Romanov family, and she was most welcome to her family inPavlovsk, where she remained through the war and the Revolution. Two of Olga'sbrothers, four nephews, and two sons-in-law were murdered by the Bolsheviks in aperiod of months. Through the intervention of the Danish government, the GreekQueen left Russia in December 1918. She served briefly as Regent of Greece in1920, leaving her adopted homeland in the 1920's when a republic was instituted,and died in Rome in 1926. ..."
"...Metaxas followed the king into exile in Corsica, neither returning until1920 and the electoral defeat of Venizelos. Metaxas was one of the few whopublicly opposed the ongoing Asia Minor Campaign, citing militaryconsiderations, and refused to assume any military office in the war. Followingthe defeat of Greek forces in Asia Minor, King Constantine was again forced intoexile by a revolution led by Colonel Nikolaos Plastiras. Metaxas moved intopolitics and founded the Freethinkers' Party on 12 October 1922. However, his association with the failed royalist Leonardopoulos-Gargalidis coup attempt inOctober 1923, forced to flee the country. Soon after, King George II was alsoforced to follow in exile. The monarchy was finally abolished, and the SecondHellenic Republic proclaimed, in March 1924...."Fascism and Religion: The Metaxas Regime in Greece and the 'Third ... - Autresarticles'clerical fascism' in Metaxas's Greece was indicative of the ..... leverage ofthe crown itself – and to the King, to whom Metaxas owed his spectac- .....Autocracy in Greece, 1936–1941: A Political Biography of General Ioannis
- The Nazi Roots of the House of Windsor
"...Before his family was forced into exile, Prince Philip had been in line ofsuccession to the Greek throne, established after a British-run coup against theson of King Ludwig of Bavaria, who became King Otto I of the Hellenes. ...Hitler Youth and Universal Fascism :Through the influence of his sister Theodora, young Philip was sent to theGerman school near Lake Constantine that had been founded by Berthold's father,Max von Baden, working through his longtime personal secretary, Kurt Hahn.During World War I, Prince Max von Baden had been chancellor, while theOxford-trained Hahn first served as head of the Berlin Foreign Ministry'sintelligence desk, then as special adviser to Prince Max in the VersaillesTreaty negotiations. Von Baden and Hahn set up a school in a wing of SchlossSalem, employing a combination of monasticism and the Nazis'``strength-through-joy'' system. At first a supporter of the Nazis, Hahn, whowas part Jewish, soon got into trouble with the SS, and came to support the morecentrist elements of the Nazi Party. What Hahn really had become is what HenryKissinger's friend, Michael Ledeen has termed a ``universal fascist,'' in thesense of Vladimir Jabotinsky, Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, the Strasser brothers,and other fascists whom the hard-core Nazis would have no dealings with.Although Hahn's powerful connections permitted him to escape the concentrationcamps, he was forced to leave the school he founded in Germany before Philip'sarrival there, and established a new school in Scotland, called Gordonstoun. Itwould play a major role in rearing all the male children of Queen Elizabeth IIand Philip. When Philip arrived at Hahn's school in Schloss Salem, it was incontrol of the Hitler Youth and the Nazi Party, and the curriculum had becomeNazi ``race science.'' Hahn became an adviser to the Foreign Office in London,urging policies of appeasement based upon appeals to the ``centrist'' Nazis...."
Si perfundim duket se tani qe familjes "mbreterore" te "Greqise" po i shtohetedhe nje sllave tjeter qe deshiron te flase "greqisht" me kenaqesi si TatianaBlatnik, Pangallos-it nuk i mbetet gje tjeter veç te shohe mire "kutine ePandores" dhe parate e pasurite e çameve t'ia kerkoje Familjes "mbreterore" te"Greqise" !